REACH Metals Gateway

ECaBaM (Exchange & Capacity-building Group on Battery Materials)

The Batteries regulation establishes that ECHA is responsible to support the Commission to identify substances of concern in batteries and to develop restrictions upon the European Commission’s demand.

As Eurometaux, we have set up a capacity-building programme under the name of ECaBaM (Exchange & Capacity-building Group on Battery Materials) to facilitate the contact between the industry sector and ECHA to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and network for the completion of the allocated task.


The 2023 Batteries Regulation Article 6(5) states that the European Commission, assisted by ECHA, should prepare a report on substances of concern present in batteries or used in their manufacture and submit it to the European Parliament and Council by 31 December 2027. In December 2023 ECHA received an official mandate from the European Commission (available here) to prepare a study report on substances of concern present in batteries or used in their manufacture including an investigation on the need for future restriction. The report will also investigate the need to broaden the scope of current restrictions concerning certain substances in batteries.

ECHA will prepare the report along a two-steps study: i) mapping of substances and processes and investigation on use in batteries of Hg, Cr (VI), Cd, Pb (already restricted for some batteries); ii) compilation of the list of substances of concern and definition of criteria for their prioritisation for further risk management, which will be delivered to the Commission by the end of 2026. The first batch has been contracted out to Ramboll in March 2024 while the second part will be contracted out by the third quarter of 2025.

For more information on the ECHA Batteries please scan the below QR code or follow this link

ECaBaM will organise capacity-building workshops. A first workshop has been held on 16-17 April.There is also a functional mailbox:


Last page update: 29 May 2024