REACH Metals Gateway

Iron [Fe]

A REACH Iron consortium (known as the Iron Platform) was established by the European iron and steel industry and others.

The Iron Platform has its website at from which the consortium agreement and many guidance documents can be downloaded.

For additional information, please contact Mr Simon Cook ( or

For ferro-alloys, please refer to the respective non-ferrous substance consortia.


Iron Consortium Fact Sheet

* in conjunction with the Iron Oxides REACH consortium

Name Formula EINECS CAS
Iron (incl. iron, furnace) Fe 231-096-4 7439-89-6
Iron (III) oxide* (haematite) Fe203 215-168-2 1309-37-1
Iron, sinter Fe2O3 265-997-9 65996-66-9
Mill Scale Fe2O3 266-007-8 65996-74-9

Last page update: 12 January 2024